16 February 2023
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Every four years

Meanwhile, the Rumer Mullerumzug belongs to the UNESCO world cultural heritage. Every four years the traditional custom takes place. Alternating with the communities Thaur, Absam and Mils, the parade is therefore held only every four years in Rum.

With colorful colors it is then called to drive out the winter. Last Sunday, February 12, it was that time again.

UNESCO World Heritage Site

In 2011, the „Matschgern und Mullern“ in the region of the Martha villages (Mühlau, Arzl, Rum, Thaur, Absam) was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. This carnival tradition goes back several centuries. The figures Melcher, Zottler, Spiegeltuxer, Hexen, Zaggler and Bären play a leading role.

The figures

Kranewitterjuniper bushes line this figure . It prepares the place for the Muller.

Hexen: Like the Kranewitter, the Hexen also prepares the place for the Muller.

Next are the figures representing the four seasons.

Halbweißer: He represents the spring, wearing white pants, symbolizing the snow cover. On it you can find flowers that penetrate the snow cover.

Melcher: Wearing short leather pants and shoe flapping, he represents summer.

Spiegeltuxer: He represents the high summer. The headgear is strongly reminiscent of the Almabtrieb.

Zaggler: He symbolizes autumn and wears a blue robe with colorful tassels representing autumn leaves.

Zottler: He embodies winter. Wool fringes line the costume, and he also has the mask with the grimmest expression. The Zottler always lies flat on the ground during the procession, symbolizing that winter has been defeated.


The parade took place last Sunday, February 12. The very well-attended event went off in the best, almost spring-like weather and thrilled the crowds. After the long and difficult Corona period, it is nice to be able to enjoy the customs to the full again. The procession itself moves in a circle through the village Rum, and with the best organized shuttle service was also the arrival by public transport problem-free and uncomplicated possible.

The highlight for me was the mask with the four faces representing the four seasons.


In a few days, by the way, the next highlight in terms of customs in the Innsbruck region is already coming up: On Sunday, February 19, Axams will host the große Fasnachtsumzug mit Axamer Wampelerreiten takes place.

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