
Autumn might actually be the best time of year in Innsbruck. Not only is there plenty of super tasty food (pumpkins, I’m looking at you) but the scenery is just so jaw-droppingly gorgeous. Golden forests, red leaves crunching underfoot and of course the pink glow of the sun setting on the mountains – autumn in Innsbruck is an experience like no other.

Here are three easy hikes that are particularly wonderful at this time of year.


The Arzler Alm is one of Innsbruck’s most beloved mountain huts and the perfect place for an after-work evening stroll. Starting in the little village of Hungerburg (accessed by the Hungerburgbahn lift or the J bus), follow the yellow signs and the forest path for about 40 minutes until the trees open up and you see the alm. Look to your right and you will be treated to a stunning autumnal view of the city and the snow-capped Patscherkofel mountain.

The alm itself has a tasty menu – try the Linzertorte for sugary goodness – and a fabulous playground for kids. It’s also open until 19.00 (food until 18.00) so is ideal for a quick evening stroll to escape the city.


You may have heard about New England in the fall, but Obsteig in the fall is slightly easier to get to and every bit as lovely! The little village of Obsteig is located about 30 mins from Innsbruck and is home to a stunning forest of larch trees. In October, these larch trees slowly turn golden, creating a rich mix of colours and aromas that is a real treat for the senses.

Starting at the Hotel Stern in Obsteig, the “Larchsteig” circular path is easy to follow and takes you right through the forest. The entire hike takes about an hour (or two, if you stop constantly to take photos as I did), but you could also combine it with the Burg Klamm castle for a full day out.


If you’ve never done a sunrise hike, autumn is the perfect time to try one. With the sun rising at around 7 am, you don’t have to wake up too early and you’ll be rewarded with an amazing light show like this.

The Rangger Köpfl mountain is one of the best sunrise spots in Innsbruck. You can drive up the Stiglreith car park (which is located at the mid-station of the cable car) and follow the wide forest path up. It’s a 2.5-hour slog to the top of the mountain. However, the sunrise is visible almost the whole way up, so even a short uphill hike can result in fabulous views. Please be sure to wear lots of warm clothes (it’s very cold at that time of the morning) and check the weather and webcams before you go. This is not a hike to do if there is snow on the ground!

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