02 September 2024
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Via ferratas open up alpine spaces away from all hiking trails. The upcoming via ferrata testival on the Nordkette offers the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the equipment and techniques.

Via Ferrata, the Iron Way. To me, the Italian name for via ferratas sounded as if it had just come out of an adventure novel. At the latest when I climbed the first route myself, I realized that this was no coincidence. The rock is peppered with iron footholds, clamps and pins until progress is possible even for those who don't have the climbing skills of a gecko. A strong cable runs along the route like a steel lifeline, into which you attach yourself using the carabiners of the via ferrata set - safety first. This is also the focus of the via ferrata testival on the Nordkette, which takes place on September 7 and 8.

No risk, more fun

Klaus Kranebitter, who conceived the Testival, has a wealth of experience in accident prevention in mountain sports. Some of Innsbruck's mountain guides have already used snowhow 's events to explain about avalanches, and now climbhow is teaching safety on via ferratas following an increase in inquiries about climbing. "People often don't even know how their equipment works because they don't have the time or the humor to deal with it in depth. We provide the shortcuts to increasing efficiency and safety," explains Kranebitter. The problem is familiar from various sectors: The hardware is there, but you don't even get to know many useful functions.

Equipment at a glance

The packing list for a via ferrata tour is straightforward, but there are a few things to bear in mind. The obligatory helmet, for example, must be certified for falling rocks; bike helmets and the like are out of place. Gloves offer protection in case the steel cable is damaged and provide extra grip in warm temperatures. The rucksack should be as small as possible, containing a cell phone and first aid kit as well as water, food and protection against wind, cold and moisture. When it comes to footwear, we recommend so-called approach shoes, which are only half-height but still have a sturdy mountain shoe sole. Last but not least, the via ferrata set with its two carabiners, load arms and shock absorber is integrated into the essential climbing harness. Important: Due to its textile components, the set must not be older than ten years and you should also research any recalls.

If the via ferrata is too strenuous, even the best equipment can no longer help. So: clarify the length of the route and the distribution of difficulty levels in advance to avoid any nasty surprises. Checking the weather forecast is also a must - after all, you don't want to be hanging from an oversized lightning rod during a thunderstorm.

Learning from practice

In the free workshops at the Testival, participants can not only get to know their equipment better (or have it repaired in the Rab repair corner ), but also learn more about via ferrata technique. I can confirm this: Climbing on the long arm and using as much leg strength as possible significantly increases the fun factor thanks to greater stamina.

If you want to put your knowledge into practice straight away, you can also take part in a guided via ferrata tour of the Innsbruck via ferrata after the workshops for a fee or exchange ideas with other interested parties at a get-together. For Kranebitter, learning on site has one major advantage: "Sometimes important instructions in the manuals are worded unfavorably. And some people learn better in practice than in theory."

Flying high with the little ones

Just how important further training can be, even for experienced via ferrata fans, is particularly evident when children are involved. The problem is that the equipment is only designed for them to a limited extent. Conventional via ferrata sets offer protection in the event of a fall thanks to the integrated shock absorber, but this only triggers if the child weighs 40 kilos or more. This means that a child weighing less than 40 kilos cannot benefit from it, as the jolt of the fall would be absorbed by the body itself. The Testival therefore demonstrates how even lightweights can be correctly secured.

Change in the scene

The fact that the via ferrata test festival places so much emphasis on the needs of families is due to a structural change that is currently taking place. Xhow, the umbrella brand of climbhow, snowhow and bikehow, so to speak, not only organizes communication and events relating to safety in mountain and winter sports, but in the case of climbhow also designs via ferratas itself. Based on this situation, Kranebitter reports that via ferratas are becoming more accessible and suitable for families, and the accessibility of the approaches is becoming easier. He also sees this new suitability for the public as a positive aspect, apart from the opportunities for promoting youth sports: "This gives more people access to the Alpine habitat." Strict environmental regulations apply, which are also actively communicated compared to the past. For example, a trail may only be open at certain times so as not to disturb birds during breeding. If an animal that needs to be protected subsequently settles on the walkway, it can be removed at any time with virtually no residue - adapting to local nature.

Behind the scenes

When the Testival started in 2018, one of the two days was intended as a symposium. There, via ferrata operators, mountain rescuers and others were able to discuss problems and concerns until the pandemic made the indoor part of the event no longer possible. In addition, manufacturers noticed that the market was saturated and participants were registering at shorter notice than before. Over the years, Kranebitter has learned a few things about the ideal organization of the event, which now lasts two days again - for example, asking the participating manufacturers about the shoe sizes of those interested, explaining to them exactly how the gondola ticket works or, due to the location, coordinating time slots and times with the arrival of the gondolas.

The via ferrata testival will take place on September 7 and 8 on Innsbruck's Nordkette mountain range. Participation in the workshops is free of charge, a fee is payable for the guided tour. Information on registration and the program can be found here.

Images, unless otherwise stated: © CLIMBHOW

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