Innsbruck Region



Geocaching is where scavenger hunt meets hiking fun. Geographic coordinates are used to solve exciting tasks and discover new places. Outdoor puzzle fun for the whole family! Which caches are hidden in the Innsbruck region, we reveal to you in the following list.

Period: Spring - Autumn
Devices: Garmin Etrex or Garmin Etrex 10 (Instructions in German)

Multi-Cache - Reizendes Silz

This multicache in and around Silz shows you the varied landscape of the holiday destination in the Mieminger Plateau & Inntal area. The tour leads you through the centre of the town as well as the surrounding forest. You should plan around three hours for your entire walk to the treasure. The best thing to do is to leave your caching vehicle in the secondary school car park: N 47° 15.764 E 010° 55.825   An attractive memorial in the centre of town N 47° 15.930 E 010° 55.680 You will find a memorial dedicated to Georg Oegg. As the king of which profession is he described here? Count the letters on the panel and write down the number as A. A= Your path will take you further through the town and past a particular woodpile in which the owner often creates artistic images and patterns. N 47° 16.024 E 010° 55.590 Safety first N 47° 16.081 E 010° 55.503 You will find red and white markings on the southern side of the railway underpass in Silz. Count the red markings and write down that number as B. B=   Angerkirche (Meadow church) N 47° 16.070 E 010° 55.309 Parts of the church tower are covered in wooden shingles. This section also differentiates itself architecturally from the lower part of the church tower. How many corners does the church tower have in this upper area? Halve this number and write it down as C. C=   Innau Sonderschutzgebiet (Special Protected Area) N 47° 15.962 E 010° 54.839 The next question takes you to the Innau Special Protected Area. This mature lowland forest offers an ideal breeding area for numerous birds and ensures the survival of many types of animals. Therefore, please only walk on the marked paths. You will find a metal sign at the coordinates indicated. Count the green symbols on it and write down the number as D. D=   A memorial in a very special environment N 47° 15.688 E 010° 54.860 You will find a large fresco on the eastern wall of the Memorial Chapel. How many people are shown? Write down the number as E. E=   Bird nature trail N 47° 15.879 E 010° 54.460 Here you will find a picture of a bird. What type of bird is it? Sparrow (Sperling): F= 1 Wren (Zaunkönig): F= 9 Blue tit (Blaumeise): F= 5 F= The Way of St. James N 47° 15.535 E 010° 54.091 Count the metal fittings on the barn door. Double that number and then add 1. Note the result as G. G= Signpost N 47° 15.406 E 010° 54.698 The best thing to do is to follow the path until you reach a woodshed. You will find the next clue, slightly concealed, on the western wall. What is the name of the branching path? Write down the number of letters in the name (including the word "Weg") and write down the number as H. Now follow the path past waypoint 2. H=   St. Petersberg Abbey N 47° 15.313 E 010° 54.618 You are now standing directly in front of the St. Petersberg Kreuzordenkloster (Abbey of the Canons Regular of the Holy Cross). You will find an information panel with all sorts of information about the castle and the abbey. What was the name of the count (Graf) who inherited the castle together with his wife in 1919? Graf von Görz: I= 9 Herzog von Schwaben: I= 6 Graf Stollberg: I= 2 I= The treasure's hiding place The path to the treasure will take you past an incredible viewpoint (N 47°15.388 E 010° 55.346) before finally leading you to the hiding place. N 47° G+C.(B-F)(B-A)(F-E-I) E 010° F(E+I).(H-C)BD

Multi-Cache - Spaziergang durch Flaurling

We have used the Municipality of Flaurling's cultural guide as a starting point to lead you through this attractive town near Telfs, in the Inntal valley in Tirol. The town was originally settled by the Bavarii and was first mentioned in the 7th century AD. Our tour through Flaurling will lead us past historical structures such as the Risschloss castle. The walking tour will last approx. 1 to 1.5 hours. Parking is available at: N 47°17.433 E 011°07.257 Erbhof beim Müller The building was first mentioned in the early 17th century. In 1894 the master miller who lived there was appointed to run the post and telegraph office. N 47°17.436 E 011°07.338 How many round windows adorn the facade of the house? A= Village well The village well is decorated with a statue of St. Isidore, the patron saint of farmers. N 47°17.445 E 011°07.408 What colour are the statue's knee socks? Green (B=7) White (B=8) Blue (B=5) B= A former transit point for salt and an important corn storehouse The building and its outbuildings played an important role as a salt transit point and corn storehouse. It also previously included a horse-changing station for couriers. N 47°17.433 E 011°07.515 Take the single-digit sum of the digits of the year in the fresco on the building and add 2. C= Medieval defensive tower The "beim Schlössler" building was originally constructed as a defensive tower in the 13th century. Beginning in 1398, the Monastery of Stams extended the tower to the North. For 170 years, various tenants administered the property for the monastery. N 47°17.485 E 011°07.450 Take the single-digit sum of the digits of the highest year on the wall of the house. D= Sign Before the bridge you will find a sign giving you your next clue. Then take the bridge over the stream and find the next waypoint. N 47°17.597 E 011°07.204 How many big 1's do you see on the yellow sign? E= Signpost Here you will find the penultimate clue to the treasure. N 47°17.352 E 011°07.047 Which famous pilgrimage route is mentioned here? Count the letters of the name (without Tirol) and write the number down. F= Memorial There is a memorial commemorating a particular jubilee directly in front of the Risschloss castle. The Risschloss castle was constructed as a hunting lodge for Archduke Sigmund, nicknamed "Rich in Coin", and overlooks Flaurling like a fortress. In 1496 his court chaplain, Pfarrherr (Reverend) Sigmund Ris, received the castle as a gift. N 47°17.408 E 011°07.198 On the occasion of which jubilee was the memorial erected? Take the one-digit sum of the digits. G= The gardens of the Risschloss castle are worth a visit. Simply follow the signs for the library to find your way into the beautiful and freely-accessible interior courtyard. Final N 47°DC.(B-G)(F-A)(A+D+E) E 011°(C-E-A)(F-A).(B+D)(G+E-1)B

Multi-Cache - Telfs hat viele Gesichter

Dear geocachers, We want to use this geocache to show you Telfs. This market town in the upper Inntal valley combines a vibrant cultural life with the original traditional elements of Tyrolean towns. The entire circuit takes around two hours. A sign will show you the way N 47° 18.661 E 011° 04.557 Here you see a ground mark indicating a speed limit. Divide this number by 6 and note the result as A. A= A park in the centre of Telfs N 47°18.514 E 011° 04.524 The Widumanger is a well-tended garden with a play area. At the coordinates indicated you will find a piece of art made of metal. How many pillars are interconnected here? Write the number down as B. B=   Parish church N 47° 18.528 E 011° 04.417 The church door is decorated with a very special pattern. How many hemispheres can you count? Write down the number as C. C= Well N 47° 18.454 E 011° 04.493 The path continues past the birthplace of Anton Zoller (N 47° 18.494 E 011° 04.460), a painter who created numerous baroque frescoes and altarpieces. You will finally arrive at a well. How many animals is Jesus carrying on his shoulders? Write the number down as D. D= A view of the carnival museum N 47° 18.428 E 011° 04.395 From your location you can see the Noaflhaus, the combined local museum and carnival museum of the market town of Telfs. On the facade you will see some very large letters. Count them, add 4, and call this number E. E= At the Eduard-Wallnöfer-Platz (Eduard Wallnöfer square) N 47° 18.428 E 011° 04.338 You were now in a big place. Look up, count the coatss of arms you see here and divide the number by 2. Note the result as F. F= A hidden monastery N 47° 18.447 E 011° 04.263 Here you will find a very nondescript sign marking the entrance of a monastery. Count the letters on the sign and call this number G. G=   Prof. Einberger memorial N 47° 18.502 E 011° 04.178 Born in Kramsach, painter and sculptor Prof. Andreas Einberger settled in Telfs in 1919. When was Professor Einberger born? Write the number of the month down as H. H=   Signpost N 47° 18.725 E 011° 03.997 How many round streetlights line the path to the sports field (Waypoint 1: N 47° 18.780 E 011° 03.950)? Add 2 and write the number down as I. I= You will find the treasure at N 47° (G-D).(E-D)(C+A) E 011° 03.(H-F)(I+D)(B+D)  

Multi-Cache - Vermiss mein nicht, Polli!

This multicache will take you through the centre of the village of Polling, across fields and meadows and a short way into the nearby woods. The entire walk will take around 1.5 hours. You can park your car at the following coordinates: N 47° 16.879 E 011° 09.007 About the history of the cache: A young water kobold (Klabautermann) named Polli lives in the forest near Polling. He's a very good-hearted water kobold, but is unfortunately very forgetful. One day he even forgot where he had hidden his treasure. To teach him a lesson, his teacher tells him to ask the animals and magical beings living in and around Polling for clues. Only when he has met all of the animals can he solve the riddle of the treasure's hiding place. Polli has already spoken with the animals, but does not dare follow the various clues. Do you want to help Polli and find the treasure for him? Here are the clues that Polli received. Polling parish church N 47° 16.870 E 011° 09.075 The pious church mouse gave Polli the following clue: "Above the entrance of the parish church you will find two years. Take the first two digits of the upper year and write them down as A.“ A = Traffic sign N 47° 16.902 E 011° 09.358 Of course, the ant police also helped Polli: “We know all about signs. Go to the coordinates and write the first large number on the sign down as B.” B = Wenzer Chapel N 47° 16.905 E 011° 09.769 Polli also spoke to the athletic hare, who gave him the following valuable advice: “Yes, I know the Wenzer Chapel well, I run past it every morning. Count the spikes on the iron railing there and write the result down as C.” C = Mairbachweg N 47° 16.694 E 011° 09.898 Polli was particularly afraid of the big raven. However, the bird was very nice and helpful and even gave our little water kobold more good advice: “Above the sign with the name of the path you will find a second sign. Double the number of the corners of the upper sign and call this number D. With a bit of luck, you can see horses in the field on the way to your next waypoint.” D = Fork in the road N 47° 16.630 E 011° 09.777 At first, the crabby dung beetle didn't want to help Polli at all. “How can you forget something that important,” asked the beetle and shook his head uncomprehendingly. It took some time for Polli to convince him. In exchange, Polli had to help him roll a horse dropping into his den. After that, the dung beetle said: “Ok, you've helped me a lot. Count the benches at the coordinates and write the number down as E.” E = Bridge N 47° 16.489 E 011° 09.432 The lively trout told Polli about a bridge under which it swam every day. The fish advised Polli to count the vertical posts of its railings and to subtract two from the result. Polli was then to write the number down as F. F = Your path will then take you further along the stream past waypoint 1 (N 47° 16.429 E011° 09.258). Polli's treasure You have earned Polli's trust. After all, you have completed all of the tasks for him. So now you are allowed to go to the treasure's hiding place all by yourself. You will find the treasure at: N 47° 16.D(E+F)(C-F) E 11° 09.B(A-C-D)E

Multi-Cache - Verträumtes Mötz

At the foot of the Maria Locherboden pilgrimage church lies the dreamy town of Mötz. This town has been able to conserve the charm of a traditional Tyrolean village to the present day. This multicache requires around 1.5 hours. Park your car at N 47° 17.081 E 010° 57.797 Through the green forest N 47° 17.048 E 010° 57.739 Here you will find a lovely forest path heading towards Mötz. You will also find a large natural gas sign. Find the number before "Nr." and write it down as A. A = Signpost N 47° 16.941 E 010° 57.440 How long does it take to walk to Locherboden? Divide the number of minutes by 10. Write the number down as B. B = Village well in Mötz N 47° 16.896 E 010° 57.325 You will see a saint on the well. What is he doing? Killing a dragon: C = 4 Putting out a house fire: C = 5 Dividing his cloak: C = 7 C = Jechle Chapel N 47° 16.694 E 010° 56.829 How many stone steps lead to the chapel? Write the number down as D. D = Birgele N 47° 16.536 E 010° 56.751 On the southern side of the Birgele there is a small chapel. Count the benches in front of the chapel, double this, and call it E. E = Anger Chapel N 47°16.616 E 010° 57.297 Here in the Anger Chapel, you will find an image of the Virgin Mary. How many angels are holding the crown above her? Write down this number as F. F = Pedestrian crossing N 47° 16.826 E 010° 57.375 From here you can see a bandstand. On it is a coat of arms with the Tyrolean eagle. Find the sum of the digits to the left of the eagle and write down the result as G. G= Fork in the path N 47° 16.950 E 010° 57.533 Here you find a driveway to a residential house. What material is this driveway made of? Write down the corresponding number as H! Asphalt = 1 Gravel = 3 Meadow = 5 H= The treasure You will find the treasure at N 47° (G+A).(B+C)(E+H)(D-A) E 010° (E+H)D.(F+B)A(G-B+1) From the treasure's hiding place, it is only a short way to the Maria Locherboden pilgrimage church. It is worth a visit for the incredible view alone. You can then return to your car via the road. On the way to the pilgrimage church, it's worth making a small detour to the stone labyrinth at N 47° 16.850 E 010° 57.631.

Multi-Cache - Vielseitiges Stams

Stams in the Tyrolean upper Inntal valley awaits guests and visitors with a successful mix of nature and vibrant village life. Even from a distance, you can see the dominating monastery located in the heart of the village. The Christian Edith Stein teacher training college is also located here. Furthermore, with its Sport- und Skigymnasium (ski high school), Stams has developed an international reputation as the source of Austria's next generation of sporting talent. Well-known names such as Gregor Schlierenzauer and Marlies Schild are linked to the Skigymnasium Stams. The best thing to do is to park your car at the following coordinates: N 47° 16.766 E 010° 58.941. The walking tour will last approx. 1 to 1.5 hours. Useful information about Stams N 47° 16.748 E 010° 58.949 At the first station you will find a few information panels about the town of Stams, its peculiarities and primary sights. Count the information panels located on a wooden stand and write down the number as A. A= Orangerie N 47° 16.673 E 010° 59.021 Directly next to the famous Monastery of Stams (Stift Stams), embedded in an attractive park, you will find the Orangerie. At the southern edge of the Orangerie you will find a well. Through how many bowls does the water flow before reaching the large fountain basin on the ground? Write the number down as B. B= Parish church N 47° 16.587 E 010° 58.948 The next clue will take you to the parish church. How many wooden steps lead through the covered staircase to the wooden gate? Write down the number as C. C= Stams oak forest N 47° 16.520 E 010° 58.542 Here you will find a chart about rejuvenation / reforestation of the oak forest. How many acorns (in whole or in part) do you see on the chart? Add 2 and write down the number as D. D= The labyrinth of life N 47° 16.443 E 010° 58.708 You will find a stone labyrinth here. Estimate the number of stones that were used in its construction. 5: E= 2 25: E= 6 100: E= 8 The treasure's hiding place You will find the treasure at: N 47° 16. (E/2)(C-A-D)(A/2) E 010° 58.(B+D)(E-B)(D-1)
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