Innsbruck Region


6 results:
Icon Highlight Blog 2017

Fasching in Axams

In England we do not celebrate Fasching (Carnival) like the German speaking countries Germany, Switzerland...
Icon Highlight Blog 2015

Wampelerreiten in Axams

The ram (and all hell!) has been let loose! And numerous other figures are out to wreak...
Icon Highlight Blog 2024

Carnival in Axams: the famous Wampelerreiten

The carnival in Axams is one of the six major traditions of the "fifth season" in Tyrol.Every...
Icon Highlight Blog 2016

Crazy Krampus meeting in Axams

I had never heard of Krampus before coming to Austria, we do not have this...
Icon Highlight Blog 2017

The Mega Krampus Party in Axams

It’s that time of year – here in Tirol, South Tirol and Bavaria, there is...
Icon Highlight Blog 2019

Wampelerreiten: Spring Triumphs Over Winter In Axams‘ Carnival Parade

Fasching/Fasnacht, the celebratory parades that take place between November and Lent in Austria and Germany, are broadly...
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