Innsbruck Region


Cycling in the city


No traffic jams, no searching or paying for parking, and no air pollution, just free exercise and a good network of cycle paths and lanes. There are many reasons why cycling as a means of transportation is becoming ever more popular as a means of transportation. 90 kilometres of cycle lanes, bike paths and cycle routes on low-traffic streets with little traffic already exist in Innsbruck. We've collected some tips, tricks and general rules to help you safely discover and enjoy Innsbruck by bicycle. 

General conduct

Cyclists can sometimes make their way between street traffic and pedestrians quickly and flexibly, and sometimes just leisurely. The correct conduct helps everyone, especially those 'slower' pedestrians. Following the traffic rules and respecting pedestrians should come naturally to every cyclist, and free movement in public areas is a privilege that not everyone can enjoy, so let's conduct ourselves as paragons of cycling!

Cycle paths

In Innsbruck, we have some several special signposted cycle lanespaths. In particular, theThe Inn Valley Cycle RoutePath, in particular, is extremely popular amongst visitors and locals. There are even special cycle lanespaths , known locally as 'cycle highways' taking that lead out you to the airport, the technical Technik campus of the university and and the DEZ shopping centre. When , and using these paths, athletic cyclists are can often get in and out of the city quicker than drivers.

Prohibited routes

Currently, there are prohibited areas where they make sense - even if they are sometimes a little hidden. A particularly sensitive spot is Maria-Theresien-Straße, a street in which many pedestrians and visitors are out and about and, naturally, it is prohibited to ride here between 10.30 am and 10.00 pm. Alternative routes are signposted and often quicker. Cycling prohibition also exists in the Old Town - much better and easier to push your bike or lock it up and visit the sights, cafes, bars and restaurants  on foot. It is, however, possible to cycle on the Burggraben between 6am and 10:30 am.Cycling is prohibited in the pedestrian zones of Maria Theresien Street and the entire old town from 10.30 am to 10.00 pm. Alternative routes exist on marked cycle lanes and these are often quicker anyway due to the many pedestrians and guests circulating in the pedestrian zones. Bikes should be pushed in pedestrian zones or locked up at one of the many bike racks before visiting the sights, cafes, bars and restaurants on foot. Cycling is allowed from 10.00 pm to 6.00 am.

Take caution around buses and trams

Bus and tram routes occasionally criss-cross cycling routes, and we recommend all parties act considerationconsiderately and demonstrate mutual respect from and for all parties. A simple way This makes it easier for everyone to continue on their way and keep their tempercalm. At some bus stops, the cycle lanes disappear and it is recommended that cyclists take careexercise particular caution and dismount. The , as the boarding and disembarking passengers getting on and off public transport are often not expecting cyclists and cannot see them comingfail to notice any cyclists heading their way.

Bicycle theft

Opportunity makes a thief! Bikes are stolen time and time again and Innsbruck is no exception. Please use high-quality bike locks, lock the frame and wheels of your bicycle to one of the many solid bike racks and try to keep your high-quality bike in sight.

Important laws for cyclists

  • Alcohol: limit of 0.8 per mille (0.4 mg/l airbreath), penalty: from € 800 to € 5,900.
  • If there is a cycle lane is provided, it must be used.
  • It is prohibited to rideRiding on pavements is prohibited, but pushing is allowed.
  • Please take note of the rRequired equipment: (two fully-functioning brakes, front and rear lights, reflectors, etc.)
  • Telephoning Using a phone while riding is forbiddenprohibited without a hands-free system.
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