Innsbruck Region


 > Emotion in Horses - Horse-riding experience

Emotion in Horses - Horse-riding experience

Info and opening hours

Emotion in Horses

Bilgeristraße 11c , 6080 Igls

+43 676 / 79 32 609

Open all year round: appointments on request

Learn more:

Experience riding - dealing with the horse

"The horse meets us value-free and without prejudice, it picks us up where we are! And we humans can only benefit from this - Achieving joy and a sense of happiness."

As a certified riding instructor and special riding instructor for therapeutic riding, Mrs. Federspiel works in various riding stables and enables completely individual lessons for children and adults.

  • riding in the middle of the mountain landscape
  • Betreating in difficult situations, rehabilitation and confidence building
  • Adults in the saddle
  • Riding for latecomers and those returning to the sport
  • Riding for people with disabilities
  • Seat corrections
  • PONY RIDING Ponilino for the little ones


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