Innsbruck Region


Three cheers for the Kaspressknödel!

Kaspressknödel are traditional cheese dumplings that are crispy on the outside, fluffy on the inside and served in steaming beef stock. As far as the locals are concerned, any day that includes this delicious dish is a success. Be sure to give these flat dumplings a try! After all, the golden-brown treats are an absolute must when it comes to sampling Innsbruck’s cuisine, closely followed by well-known classics such as Tyrolean bacon dumplings, spinach dumplings and “Schlutzkrapfen” ravioli. 

Come and experience Innsbruck’s culinary heritage! These tasty treats are also the ideal way to refuel after a long day of sightseeing or shopping. This page contains plenty of handy information about dining and shopping in Innsbruck. 

Dining out

Tables, prices and tips

Are you enjoying local specialities in a restaurant right now? Here are a few handy hints for paying the bill: A ten percent tip is customary in Austria. In the case of smaller amounts, for example the price of one drink, people tend to round up the total. This applies across the board in pubs, guesthouses and classy restaurants, as well as for mountain huts and taxi journeys. Tips are not usually included in the bill. 

Are you taking a look at the menu? Good news: the prices already contain the applicable VAT so these are the end prices that you will pay. The bill will not contain any added charges. A cover charge is unlikely to apply in most restaurants. In Austria, cover charges normally only occur in high-priced restaurants and are avoided by guesthouses, pubs, mountain huts and many other restaurants. 

Choose your table: You can normally choose where you want to sit unless you are welcomed at the door. It’s a good idea to ask your waiter which tables are free but this isn’t an absolute must. Be sure to check whether your chosen table is marked as “RESERVED”. 

Shopping in Innsbruck

Tax-free shopping

Do you live outside of the EU? If so, shopping in Austria is cheaper for you. For purchases of over 75 euros, the sales tax of 20% is normally not applicable. Are you wondering how it works exactly? Click on this link for more details about tax-free shopping. (As of May 2019)


Restaurants are required to list all allergens in meals and drinks, for example gluten, seafood or lactose. This information is often printed on the menu or displayed clearly in the establishment. In some restaurants, staff can provide information on allergens. If you are unsure, simply ask your waiter.

Shop opening hours

Shops normally open in the morning between 9 am and 10 am, while supermarkets tend to open earlier. Shops often close at 6 pm and supermarkets mostly remain open until 7 pm or 8 pm. Shops close earlier on Saturdays. Sundays and public holidays are days of rest throughout the entire state of Tyrol, which gives local residents the chance to enjoy a day in the mountains or with their families. This means that, other than a very limited number of exceptions, shops stay closed on these days. Official public holidays include 1 May and Austrian National Day on 26 October. Shops are also closed on religious holidays such as Christmas, Easter, on 15 August and on several days in May and June. 


Tag Datum Information
Neujahr 1. Januar Allgemein geschlossen
Heilige 3 Könige 6. Januar Allgemein geschlossen
Ostermontag im März oder April Allgemein geschossen
Staatsfeiertag / Tag der Arebit 1. Mai Allgemein geschlossen und Demostationen
Christi Himmelfahrt der 6. Dienstag nach Ostern Allgemein geschlossen
Pfingsmontag der 6. Montag nach Ostern Allgemein geschlossen
Fronleichnam der 2. Dienstag nach Pfingsten Allgemein geschlossen
Maria Himmelfahrt 15. August Allgemein geschlossen
Nationalfeiertag 26. Oktober Allgemein geschlossen, große Feierlichkeiten mit Offener Tür im Landhaus und Museen, Flughafenfest
Allerheiligen 1. November Allgemein geschlossen
Maria Empfängnis 8. Dezember Einkaufsamstag, Geschäfte offen
Heiligabend 24. Dezember ab Nachmittag geschlossen
Weihnachten 25. Dezember Allgemein geschlossen
Stephanitag 26. Dezember Allgemein geschlossen
Silvester 31. Dezember ab Nachmittag geschlossen
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