Innsbruck Region


Education and nature trails

For those hungry for knowledge, those interested in history and all those who would like to become one, there are varied education trails and nature trails to discover in the Innsbruck region. In the individual entries below, we have collected detailed information on trail lengths and levels of difficulty.

The Angertalweg alpine park trail

101 M 101 M
5.1 KM 5.1 KM
easy easy
This circular route starts from the car park at the recycling centre in Wildermieming and leads through sparse forests near Wildermieming and the Gerhardhof campsite. Along the way, 10 impressive display boards show the connection between environmental factors and adaptations in the forest. They also provide information about how glaciation, which ended 10,000 years ago, shaped the mountain forest habitat and compare the rich life found in a natural stream with the reduced diversity of a controlled waterway.

Mooswiesen Alpine Park

25 M 25 M
2 KM 2 KM
easy easy
This circular hike starts at the Waldschwimmbad open-air swimming pool in Barwies and leads through the Geschwent Mooswiesen and Lörchenwiesen meadows. The route initially circles the Moosalmmoor wetlands on wide paths and then passes through vast meadows and wooded sections back to the starting point. By the end of the nature trail, you will know what breeds amongst the reeds, how crayfish ended up in the stream near "Krebsbach" and how they manage to survive. Plenty of background information about the Lärchenwiesen nature reserve is also provided.

Alpinpark - the Path of Extremes

246 M 246 M
2.4 KM 2.4 KM
medium medium
The Innauen nature reserve is home to strictly protected plants and animal species. On the route up to the pilgrimage church of Maria Locherboden, you can learn a lot about the effects of the dry and hot climate on the sunny, south-facing, limestone slopes of the Fiechter Köpfl. Did you know, for example, that "feather grass", a plant that is otherwise only native to Mediterranean countries and Asian steppes, grows on the dry slope below Locherboden?  

The Goldbichl archaeology trail

140 M 140 M
1.7 KM 1.7 KM
easy easy
From the Kurpark spa gardens in Igls, walk south along the east side of Congresspark Igls and continue through the forest following signs for "Archäologiepfad Goldbichl" (the Goldbichl archaeology trail). Around 4,000 years ago, the Goldbichl was a powerful sanctuary and a place of widespread importance. Today, a forest hiking trail leads from the Kurpark spa gardens in Igls to the prehistoric ritual site once used for burning offerings. Illustrated information boards reveal more about the various aspects of daily life and religious rites. Experience the magic of the place.  You can learn more about this topic and admire the most significant Bronze and Iron Age artefacts found on the Goldbichl at the museum in the "Haus des Gastes" (Hilberstraße 15, 6080 Igls).

The Path of Reflection in Ranggen

389 M 389 M
5.8 KM 5.8 KM
easy easy
The contemplation trail begins and ends at the over 500-year-old parish church of St. Magnus in Ranggen. Parking at and below the parish church, free of charge. Follow the yellow signs below the parish church and turn right onto a side path through the village, past the hamlets of Riedpuite and Viescheide, a short distance on asphalt to the first station of the contemplation trail a little above Ranggen. From there on, you enter soft forest soil. An ascending path leads through shady forest to the chapel, where seven stations invite you to contemplate, back along the forest path to the parish church.  

Bienenoase - bees nature trail

41 M 41 M
2 KM 2 KM
easy easy
Bee nature trail at the Sistrans Mühlteich pond. The bee nature trail includes 20 display boards with lots of interesting information about bees, as well as honey and wax production. From the Tigls car park at the primary school in the village of Sistrans, follow the road that leads east into the village. When you come to the sign for the "Mühlteich" pond, follow it left down to the main road, cross the main road to continue north and then follow the signs for the "Bienenlehrpfad" bee nature trail. Finally, cross the stream and head south back to the centre of Sistrans.

The Hohe Birga discovery tour

26 M 26 M
1.427 KM 1.427 KM
easy easy
Walk in our ancestors' footsteps! The "Hohe Birga" in Birgitz is the only open-air archaeological site in the immediate vicinity of Innsbruck. This excavation site of a pre-Christian Raeti settlement is located about 500 metres as the crow flies from the centre of Birgitz and is quick and easy to reach. The tour starts from the Rätermuseum (Raetic Museum) in Birgitz and initially leads along a relatively flat path past beautiful and well-maintained farmhouses and gardens before continuing slightly downhill along a paved road to the Hohe Birga excavations. The climb up the excavation hill and the route back up to the starting point in Birgitz are a little steeper. Before or after the hike, it is well worth visiting the Rätermuseum (Raetic Museum) located in the village hall on the village square in Birgitz. There isn't anywhere to stop for refreshments along the way so it's very important to take enough to drink with you. A small rest area is located directly at the archaeological site.

The Ghost Trail in Oberperfuss

227 M 227 M
2 KM 2 KM
easy easy
This hike is particularly popular with children. The ideal starting point: the bottom lift station of the Bergbahnen Oberperfuss gondola. From there, you can take the gondola up to an altitude of over 1,500 metres above sea level. Once at the top of the gondola, walk downhill for a few minutes until you reach an idyllic reservoir. If you walk around the reservoir to the south, you'll come to a forest road. Take the road and then turn left to continue down to the junction for Restaurant Sulzstich.  At this point, you'll see the first of the "tree beards", which are upside down spruces with carved faces. At the push of a button, these trees tell authentic stories by students from the primary schools in Oberperfuss. Some of the "tree beards" pose puzzles instead of telling stories. If you can solve the puzzles, you will be rewarded with magic & power stones when you get back to the bottom lift station. You'll also be given a booklet with all of the stories and puzzles to enjoy reading after your walk.  This trail is the ultimate family highlight. Hikers are accompanied by excited children's voices, storytelling and lovely walks from puzzle to puzzle. Along the way, a slide, a rest area and a barefoot trail provide even more variety. After a good one and a half kilometres, the trail comes to Stiglreith where children can jump around on the bouncy castle and play on the slide in front of the panoramic restaurant.   If the gondola is not running, you can drive to the starting point at Stiglreith car park, which is located at an altitude of 1,383 metres above sea level. Fees apply to park in the car park. It can be reached via the panoramic road that branches off to the right from Oberperfuss Berg. From that approach, the hike past the talking tree beards leads from the Stiglreith mountain lift station to the reservoir at Sulzstich and back along the road to the starting point. Fees apply to park in the car park at Stiglreith. The road to Stiglreith is closed to cars from 1 November until 31 March.

The Hohlweg trail in Obsteig/Gschwent

36 M 36 M
0.425 KM 0.425 KM
easy easy
Up until 40 years ago, local farmers drove the cattle that weren't grazing in alpine pastures along the Hohlweg to the Obsteiger Fraktion area and the Ochsenlede (west of the location) twice a week. Today, the path is used for recreation and serves as a reminder of how important agriculture is for the preservation of our local habitats. At the upper end of the trail, a small drinking trough was created on the edge of a wetland, an artificial reservoir now offers dragonflies and other aquatic insects a valuable secondary habitat.

Knappenweg Trail

500 M 500 M
10 KM 10 KM
medium medium
The Miners Trail takes you through an historical mining area in the Wörge Valley. The hike starts from the Dortmunder Hütte mountain hut in Kühtai and leads through breathtaking high alpine landscapes, past the Längental reservoir, to the Mittergrathütte mountain hut in the Hochötz ski area. Along the way, you pass the faithfully rebuilt Miners House (Knappenhaus) by Pochersee lake at the entrance to the Wörge Valley. Photos give an insight into the region's mining past and you can also learn more about the history of the local mountain pastures during the hike. After passing the Miners House, the route continues past the Balbachalm mountain hut to Hochötz. From there, the best way back is to take the gondola down to Ochsengarten and then the bus back to Kühtai.

Rum nature trail

165 M 165 M
3.7 KM 3.7 KM
easy easy
From the "Naturpark Karwendel" car park, it is about a 15-minute walk to the "7 Weg" (7 trail) intersection. When you reach the intersection, turn right towards the Garzanhof. After walking for another ten minutes, you'll reach the area where the Rum nature trail was set up in 1995. Numerous signs describe the botanical features in the region.

Educational nature and glacier trail

160 M 160 M
4.5 KM 4.5 KM
easy easy
This route starts at the end of the car park in Praxmar (fees apply) and leads south towards Lüsens. The first section of the route passes display boards with information about flora and fauna in the Sellrain Valley. Particular focus is placed on endangered amphibians. The second section, which leads further south from Lüsens to "Fernerboden" on the valley floor, gives a fascinating insight into the development of the glaciers up to today. A natural viewing platform provides magnificent views of the surrounding mountains.

The Larchsteig trail in Obsteig

24 M 24 M
2 KM 2 KM
easy easy
The Larchsteig is a short circular hike on the edge of the village of Obsteig. If you take your time, you can discover lots of interesting information about the larch itself, as well the history of the larch forests, how they are managed and their inhabitants. The highlights include glacial erratics, which are large boulders from the Ice Age, and a large stone with a circle on it, known as the "Kreisstein", which still remains a mystery. The duration of the route depends entirely on who is doing it: runners only need 15 minutes, hikers can complete it in 45 minutes, interested hikers may need two hours and anyone who really wants to savour it should allow half a day.

Inzing's themed trail

419 M 419 M
8 KM 8 KM
medium medium
In Inzing, a themed trail provides interested walkers with extensive information about the geography, geology and history of the region. Display boards along the route describe, for example, how the landscape was formed by the power of glaciers and water. Another interesting topic covered is the region's history of cartography. Local mapmakers Peter Anich and Blasius Huber were pioneers in this field and their achievements are wonderfully presented along the way. Our tip: the wetlands and bird reserve in Gaisau.

The Vogellehrweg trail to Ehnbachklamm gorge

503 M 503 M
5.4 KM 5.4 KM
easy easy
A wonderful forest trail that leads uphill through mixed woods and alpine meadows to Hochzirl (route no. 15). Various display boards line the route and provide information about indigenous birds. From the train station in Hochzirl, take route no. 51 towards the Ehnbachklamm gorge and then follow the Ehnbach stream through the romantic wilderness of the gorge (route no. 3). The route continues past a war memorial (route no. 1a) and then heads back to the starting point. It is also possible to walk the route in the other direction. The strange rock formations and diverse flora and fauna make a hike in the Karwendel mountains an unforgettable experience for every walker. Even on hot summer days, this hike along the cool babbling stream ensures relaxation for mind and soul. The area also contains a collection of orchids, which is unique within Tyrol. The narrow trail is well secured with footbridges and steps, as well as wire ropes.

The Sonnbergalm Wunderwanderweg (wonder hiking trail)

350 M 350 M
3 KM 3 KM
easy easy
This route starts from the car park at the Sonnbergalm mountain hut, located between St. Sigmund and Haggen behind the Krainhof. The route leads steadily uphill alongside a sunny forest. Along the way, it passes various stations that provide information about natural wonders such as alpine ibex populations and the age of the spruce forests. The Sonnbergalm has wonderful views of the surrounding mountains and excellent home-cooked food.  
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