Innsbruck Region


 > Wegscheider ski rental

Wegscheider ski rental

Info and opening hours

Sportartikelverleih Wegscheider

Narötz Nr.58a , 6182 Gries im Sellrain

+43 5236 / 390

+43 650 41 92 747

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Wegscheider ski and toboggan hire can be found in the area of Nöritz, Gries am Sellrain. Here, you can rent all the equipment you need for your winter holiday.

Alpine skis, snowboards, cross-country skis, touring skis, toboggans, boots and poles.

Complete package for adults/day:

Head Carver inkl. boots and poles € 9,--, Head Carver € 6,--, Head boots € 3,--, Helmet € 1,--

Complete package for kids/day:

Head Carver until 130cm inkl. boots and poles € 4,--, Helmet for free 

Cross country (inkl. Skis, boots and poles) € 4,--, Snowboard inkl. Softboots € 9,--, Carvellinos € 3,--, Big-Foot € 2,20, Toboggans/Snowboots € 2,--

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