Innsbruck Region


Running routes

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5 bridge circuit

4.8 KM 4.8 KM
13 M 13 M
easy easy
A flat circular route along the Inn Promenade in the centre of Innsbruck. (Also suitable for winter runs and Nordic walking) First head west towards the Karwendelbrücke bridge. When you reach the bridge, cross the River Inn and turn left to continue along the river. The route passes the Freiburgerbrücke and Universitätsbrücke bridges. When you come to the Inn Bridge by the historic Herzog-Otto-Burg building at the entrance to the historic old town, continue straight on along the river. When you reach the Emile-Béthouart-Steg bridge, cross the river and then follow the path along the Inn back to the starting point. 
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Bergisel run

4.6 KM 4.6 KM
140 M 140 M
hard hard
Wilderness, nature, major traffic routes, sport, history and culture; all on a circular run covering just under 5 km. Shortly after the starting point at the Bretterkeller restaurant, you come to St. Bartlmä. From there, turn to continue along the tram lines into the Sill Gorge. Follow the Bergisel-Rundweg route to the Sonnenburger Hof and then join the forest trail that later becomes forest roads and lanes to the Bergisel stadium. From there, the route continues past the Andreas Hofer monument and zigzags down to the Bierstindl restaurant before doing a final loop past Wilten Abbey and back to the starting point.
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Campus circuit

2.4 KM 2.4 KM
6 M 6 M
easy easy
A short, flat route near the University where you are sure to pass other people. (Also suitable for winter runs and Nordic walking) A flat route that leads west along the Inn Promenade to the Fachwerkbrücke bridge, also known as the Karwendel bridge. Cross the river and continue downstream on the right-hand side of the Inn until you reach the Universitätsbrücke bridge. Turn left to cross the bridge and continue along the circular route back to the starting point, which also marks the end of the run.
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Grenoble speed

3.2 KM 3.2 KM
3 M 3 M
easy easy
This flat route initially leads east towards the New Orleans bridge. When you reach the bridge, cross the river and turn right to continue along the southern bank. This section of the route includes a special feature: an interval is marked every 200 metres along the path for 1,000 metres.  The route continues straight on to the Grenobler Brücke bridge and crosses the river again. From there, turn right and follow the path along the Inn back to the starting point. A short training route at the end of the Fit 2000 course between Rossau and the Olympic Village (O-Dorf). (Also suitable for winter runs and Nordic walking)
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Höttinger-Höfe-Weg trail

9.7 KM 9.7 KM
300 M 300 M
hard hard
A challenging run on fantastic trails through the home of the old Hötting farms. The route initially climbs up to Grauer-Stein-Weg road before continuing along the Karwendel railway to Allerheiligenhöfe train station. From the Berchtoldshof restaurant, the route leads into the forest, along a root-laced path and past the Grüner Boden playground. The route then continues via Butterer Bichl to the Schießstand guesthouse before joining challenging paths leading to Burgstadl road. From there, the route is all downhill, past the Botanical Institute to the end of the run.
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6.3 KM 6.3 KM
320 M 320 M
hard hard
A very challenging route in the Hötting district that starts from the shore of the River Inn and leads up to Gramartboden.
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Hungerburg climb

3.4 KM 3.4 KM
300 M 300 M
hard hard
The almost forgotten shortest link between the city centre and the Hungerburg district. Very steep in parts. The route starts at the Universitätsbrücke (University Bridge) and leads east along the River Inn. At the Innsteg bridge, it turns left to lead up past the Parish Church of St Nicholas before getting steeper and finally coming to a corner where it meets the Höhenstraße road. From there, continue along very steep forest trails up to Sprengerkreuz and Höttinger Steinbruch. After this point, the forest trails become less steep for the rest of the climb up to the Hungerburg district. Finally, a short paved section leads you to the church at the end of the route.
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Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Weg trail

11.8 KM 11.8 KM
434 M 434 M
medium medium
This moderately difficult running route initially leads downhill along the main road towards the Ötz Valley. Just after the Jagdschloss hotel, it turns right to follow the Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Weg trail, taking you along a beautiful forest path. On the Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Weg trail, you cover undulating terrain and pass quiet alpine pastures until you first reach Mareil and then Marlstein. This is the point where you turn around and follow the Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Weg trail back towards the starting point, covering a few more vertical metres along the way.
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Klammgeist run

10.4 KM 10.4 KM
145 M 145 M
medium medium
This route makes a wide loop around the airport, passing through the districts of Kranebitten and Hötting-West. The run leads along the embankment of the River Inn to the striking red house, around Innsbruck Airport and slightly uphill into the forest until it reaches Kranebitten playground. From there, it continues behind the Peerhofsiedlung development at the edge of the forest to Allerheiligenhöfe. The route then leads downhill along the Karwendel railway to Grauer-Stein-Weg road, where it turns right and zigzags down to Speckweg road. Finally, this road leads back down to the starting point.
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Moor circuit

0.6 KM 0.6 KM
10 M 10 M
easy easy
A flat 600-metre-long route around the Moor to round off the fitness trail in the south.
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