Innsbruck Region


Running routes

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Mühlau trail

10.5 KM 10.5 KM
245 M 245 M
hard hard
A scenic and undulating route that leads through the district of Mühlau. First follow the route east to the Hans-Psenner-Steg bridge. Cross the bridge and continue uphill towards the Alpine Zoo. Below Judenbichl hill, turn right and follow the path to Mühlau. The path then passes the former Kroneöl factory and the graveyard before reaching a steeper and more challenging section up to the model plane site. At the edge of the forest, the path leads left, back past the Alpine Zoo and all the way back down to the River Inn. 
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River run

13.3 KM 13.3 KM
10 M 10 M
medium medium
A long, flat circular run that leads along the River Inn and the Sill river in Innsbruck. Also suitable for winter runs and Nordic walking.  From the starting point, follow the river downstream to the Emile-Béthouart-Steg bridge, cross to the other side of the river and continue east to the circular Riesenrundgemälde building. Cross the River Inn again and continue until you reach the Olympic Village (O-Dorf) and the boundary of the city. Turn by crossing the "New Orleans Brücke" bridge and heading back into the city along the Inn and Sill rivers until you reach the Rapoldipark park. You will pass the Zeughaus museum, the "Messe" exhibition centre and the Congress building before reaching the River Inn again.   
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6.6 KM 6.6 KM
151 M 151 M
medium medium
A moderately difficult, medium-length route through very scenic landscapes. This route starts in the Kurpark spa gardens, crosses Patscher Straße road and then heads up through the forest with some short and some longer climbs. From there, you follow the route through the Rosengarten Nature Reserve to the fields below Goldbichl hill. Once you reach the highest point, the route goes back down to the Grünwalderhof hotel and over dirt roads to Pfaffenbichl before following the sunny Fernkreuzweg road back to the Kneipp therapy facility in the village centre of Igls. Mainly forest trails with some paved and gravel roads
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The Seegruben Trophy

7.2 KM 7.2 KM
1449 M 1.449 M
hard hard
A challenging mountain run that takes you up past Innsbruck's mountain huts and alpine pastures to the Seegrube. This challenging alpine running route starts in the Hungerburg district and leads up the "3er" ski slope, initially at a moderate incline that gets progressively steeper until you reach the Umbrüggler Alm mountain hut. From there, you follow steep mountain paths up to the Höttinger Alm mountain hut, followed by the only flat section of the route across to the Bodenstein Alm mountain hut, which gives you a little time to gather energy ready to take on the very steep final climb from the Bodenstein Alm up to the Seegrube.
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The Sill-Inn loop

10.8 KM 10.8 KM
30 M 30 M
medium medium
This route starts at the Bretterkeller restaurant and leads downstream along the Sill river. It takes you through Rapoldipark park directly to the Sill, which you follow to the point where it flows into the River Inn. From there, follow the Inn Promenade southeast along the river to Baggersee lake. The route then continues west, through the Amras district, past the Wiesengasse sports fields and finally past the Tivoli stadium back to the starting point.
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Tantegert run

4.5 KM 4.5 KM
150 M 150 M
medium medium
Forest running at its finest on the southern edge of Innsbruck. The trail leads from the starting point, over the bridge and up to the Gasthof Bretterkeller restaurant. From there, you continue across Igler Straßer road and into the forest, where you come to the real start of the circular route. The trail initially climbs uphill and then follows a more undulating route to the Tummelplatz cemetery before continuing along the "Forstmeile" fitness trail to Tantegert. From there, follow the varied Bederlungerweg trail down to Tummelplatzweg road and then back to the starting point at the Bretterkeller.
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Trail circuit

1.1 KM 1.1 KM
58 M 58 M
easy easy
A short circuit on lovely forest trails that takes you to the end of the "Forstmeile" fitness trail. The route initially leads west from the starting point, past the Tantegert tram stop. It then forms a loop, bringing you back behind the tram stop now heading east. From there, the trail leads over the tram tracks and takes you downhill to a forest clearing before heading back up to the starting point.
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Höttinger-Höll alternate route

1.7 KM 1.7 KM
125 M 125 M
hard hard
The Höttinger-Hölle alternative route on the Nisslsteig trail is a mountain run that provides the opportunity for intensive interval training. The Höttinger Höll was a key section of the UCI Road World Championships 2018. 
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Mühlau trail extension

4 KM 4 KM
80 M 80 M
hard hard
A wonderful 4-kilometre-long extension to the Mühlau Trail that runs along the edge of the forest. Perfect for anyone who finds the Mühlau Trail too short. This extra section leads to the Canisiusbründl guesthouse. At the edge of the forest, at the point where the Mühlau Trail turns left, this route goes right, heading east towards the boundary of the city. It leads up and downhill along the road and the Canisiusweg path to the turnstile, where you turn back.
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The Zirmbachalm run

7.6 KM 7.6 KM
229 M 229 M
easy easy
This route starts along the main road and leads slightly downhill, largely on asphalt. Shortly before the first snow shed (the avalanche gallery protecting the road), you turn off to the right to follow a forest road leading through alpine meadows and undulating terrain. When you come to the main road, follow it for a few metres until you reach the Zirmbachalm mountain hut. The run then follows the same route back to the starting point.
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