Innsbruck Region


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331 Hits
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Mooswiesen meadows circuit

73 M 73 M
5.4 KM 5.4 KM
easy easy
Start at the Waldschwimmbad (forest swimming pool) car park and follow the path south as it leads downhill towards a crossroads. Turn right towards Freundsheim and follow the path past three small lakes (privately owned) and a small chapel until you come to the hamlet of Gschwent. Immediately afterwards, you will see a large paddock. From there, follow the dirt road that leads off to the left until you reach the edge of the forest. The next section of forest trail offers wonderful views of the beautiful nature reserve on the Mieming Plateau with its characteristic larch meadows. The contrast between the vast open spaces and the striking Mieming Range is a very impressive sight. The route continues past Kohlplatz towards the Moosalm guesthouse. Anyone interested in nature can take a stroll along the 150-metre-long jetty to observe the colourful action on and in the waters of the Mooswiesen biotope. Finally, the route continues back to the starting point.
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Mötz - Burg Klamm castle - Mötz

439 M 439 M
8.5 KM 8.5 KM
medium medium
This hike starts at the parish church in Mötz and heads upstream, following Königsgasse road north to the Klammweg trail. From there, you cross the bridge and follow the narrow trail, which is quite steep in parts, to the waterfall. This is followed by a steep climb to a covered, wooden bridge. It is well worth taking a short detour across the bridge to view the impressive Burg Klamm castle (privately owned, not open to visitors). For the hike back, you can either head straight downhill to Mötz or cross back over the wooden bridge and follow the route along the fish pond. This route passes a chapel and then follows a pleasant hiking trail to the hamlet of Wald, before continuing along a path through the Föhrenwald forest and back down to Mötz.
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The Mutterer Almweg trail (510)

678 M 678 M
4.5 KM 4.5 KM
medium medium
A maintained forest road with stunning views and beautiful scenery. The hike starts at the bottom lift station of the Muttereralm and leads up the mountain through alpine meadows and forests. At the end of the route, you come to the Mutterer Alm mountain restaurant, the “adventure playground” and a few metres higher up to the wonderful views from the reservoir. The route connects to the “Innsbrucker Almenweg” trail, which leads towards Axamer Lizum or into the Stubai Valley.
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Muttereralm - Saile (Nockspitze)

784 M 784 M
3.7 KM 3.7 KM
hard hard
Ascent up the Pfriemeswand: From the point where you disembark from the Muttereralm gondola, follow the signs "Pfriemeswand" diagonally upwards for a short distance and after a few metres turn left onto the forest road and continue uphill until just below the Pfriemesköpfl - follow the signs "Pfriemeswand-Nockspitze".   Pfriemeswand - Nockspitze (Saile): up steep grassy slopes with a short detour up to the northern summit (2,379 m). Along a narrow ridge to the broad summit plateau and the southern summit (2,409 m).
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778 M 778 M
2.7 KM 2.7 KM
medium medium
From behind the Pfaffenhofer Alm mountain hut, follow the signs to "Narrenkopf". The route leads up the steep mountainside to the left of the streambed and continues until it reaches the edge of the corrie. From there, follow the signs and the trail markers along the corrie until you reach the end of the basin. Then continue to the right, follow the trail as it zigzags up to the col and then keep right again to continue up to the summit of Narrenkopf. There are two crosses on Narrenkopf: the original cross is the one set furthest back and it’s this one that marks the highest point.
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Natterer See lake to Götzens

218 M 218 M
5.3 KM 5.3 KM
easy easy
From Mutterer Straße road in Natters, the Herrenweg turns off to the west and, after a few minutes' walk, becomes the Herrensteig trail. This trail leads down through the forest before merging into Seestraße road. Along the Herrensteig, display boards provide information about the local flora and fauna. From Natterer See lake, a footpath leads past the Einethöfe to the village of Götzens.
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Educational nature and glacier trail

160 M 160 M
4.5 KM 4.5 KM
easy easy
This route starts at the end of the car park in Praxmar (fees apply) and leads south towards Lüsens. The first section of the route passes display boards with information about flora and fauna in the Sellrain Valley. Particular focus is placed on endangered amphibians. The second section, which leads further south from Lüsens to "Fernerboden" on the valley floor, gives a fascinating insight into the development of the glaciers up to today. A natural viewing platform provides magnificent views of the surrounding mountains.
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Rum nature trail

165 M 165 M
3.7 KM 3.7 KM
easy easy
From the "Naturpark Karwendel" car park, it is about a 15-minute walk to the "7 Weg" (7 trail) intersection. When you reach the intersection, turn right towards the Garzanhof. After walking for another ten minutes, you'll reach the area where the Rum nature trail was set up in 1995. Numerous signs describe the botanical features in the region.
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Neue Alplhütte mountain hut (via the Ochsenbründlsteig trail)

580 M 580 M
9.7 KM 9.7 KM
medium medium
From the end of the hikers' car park in Wildermieming, take the well-developed hiking trail and follow signs for the "Ochsenbründlsteig". The first half of the route is initially very steep and then continues more gently uphill before reaching the undulating section that leads to the Schäferhütte mountain hut. From there, follow the marked path through the forest, over a small stream and directly up to the Neue Alplhütte mountain hut. The rugged rock faces of the Mieming Range rise up proudly behind the hut. For a nice circular hike, you can take the route back down via the Straßberghaus alpine guesthouse. A forest road directly links the Neue Alplhütte with the Straßberghaus, which is located in an idyllic alpine basin. Just past the Straßberghaus, a beautiful forest road leads leisurely back downhill to the starting point.
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The Neue Alplhütte mountain hut via the Hintereggensteig

974 M 974 M
12.3 KM 12.3 KM
medium medium
From the hikers’ car park above Wildermieming, follow the signs east to the Straßberghaus mountain hut. Continue past the hut and follow the somewhat steeper trail towards “Niedere Munde”. At the crossroads, go west to follow the scenic Hintereggensteig trail down to the Alplhütte, a lovely mountain hut where you can take a break. For the route back, you can take the Ochsenbründlsteig trail, which leads past the consecrated Ochsenbründl and ends at the car park above Wildermieming.
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Neue Magdeburger Hütte (Route 50)

1103 M 1.103 M
6.2 KM 6.2 KM
easy easy
This hike leads along route 50 and passes the following places: Zirl - Brunntal (the Brunn Valley) - Kirchbergalm mountain hut - Neue Magdeburger Hütte mountain hut. The hike starts on the forest road (open to vehicles) on the eastern edge of Zirl. The route initially leads to the Zirler Mähder wayside cross and then on to the chapel at Hörbstenboden, where it turns off towards the Kirchbergalm mountain hut and later follows a pleasant forest trail to the Neue Magdeburger Hütte mountain hut. 
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Nockweg road

52 M 52 M
1.2 KM 1.2 KM
easy easy
Start in Natters to the north of the village church and follow Nockweg road through alpine meadows to Nattererboden restaurant.
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Oberbach - Solsteinhaus mountain hut

467 M 467 M
2.8 KM 2.8 KM
medium medium
From Oberbach, at an altitude of 1,417 metres above sea level, the route zigzags up a steep track to the Solenalm hut (1,643 m, not open to the public), where you get wonderful views of the Erlspitze and Solstein peaks. From there, the route leads north above the Erl Valley, crosses the stream in a north-easterly direction and then continues around two long bends to the mountain hut, which will have been visible up ahead for quite a while.   
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Oberer Wiesenweg trail in Oberperfuss

77 M 77 M
1.5 KM 1.5 KM
easy easy
Route no. 6a. From the Kammerland district, follow hiking route no. 6 to Plörl, continue along route 6a through a short, steep forested area and then turn left to cross the alpine meadows towards the hamlet of Berchtesgaden and back to Kammerland.
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Oberhofen - Flaurling - Oberhofen

108 M 108 M
7.1 KM 7.1 KM
easy easy
From the village hall in the centre of Oberhofen, walk south along the road until you come to the Reasnhof. From there, the route leads east along the edge of the forest (Peter-Anich-Weg trail) to the Kanzingbach stream (about 50 minutes). Cross the bridge and follow the stream into the valley. The hike then continues along the River Inn and back to the starting point in Oberhofen.
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