Innsbruck Region


 >  Klangspuren Christian Reiner& Martin Siewert

Klangspuren Christian Reiner& Martin Siewert

"When will it finally be spring? I'll give you the whole cage with 24 birds. Every song is for you from now on." The vocalist, voice artist and author Christian Reiner, who wrote these lines, has not worked with Martin Siewert for the first time - and yet Erstens (as the title suggests) is the first album to result from this collaboration. Siewert's sound world is rough and noisy, Reiner's voice charismatic and sonorous, the lyrics are reminiscent of Dadaist word pours, make you think, drill themselves into your memory like catchy tunes: "There is the sea, that's all there is." Both artists improvise on their instruments - on the guitar and with words, with sound and lutes, with inner-musical quotations and linguistic cross-references to the work of poets such as Marie Luise Kaschnitz or Christian Morgenstern. Christian Reiner and Martin Siewert's work develops a downright hypnotic pull, an evocative power and intensity, and is sometimes "very loud and crazy", as Reiner himself described in an interview. Martin Siewert represents "a connection to my heavy metal roots", Reiner continues. There are eleven songs on the album, each one a miniature in its own right, funny and disturbing, poetic and profound - but as one of the songs says: "Don't get used to it. You mustn't get used to it." (HS)

Adresse de l'événement

pmk - Plattform mobile Kulturinitiativen, Viaduktbögen 18-20, 6020 Innbruck
Date: dim., 08.09.2024
Début : 20h30


Date: dim., 08.09.2024
Début : 20h30
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