Innsbruck Region


 >  Der Liebe gewidmet - conzert

Der Liebe gewidmet - conzert

In 1579, during the Venetian Carnival, Archduke Ferdinand II of Tyrol encountered the composer and organist Andrea Gabrieli. This encounter led to the dedication of the second book of madrigals for six voices, which was released shortly thereafter, dedicated to Archduke Ferdinand II.
This exquisite collection of secular love songs, which was later revived in numerous anthologies will be brought to life in the 2nd Ambras Castle Concert by the Innsbrucker Hofmusik. Under the direction of Marian Polin the ensemble dedicate an evening at Ambras Castle entirely to love.

Tickets are available at:

Gebeurtenis Adres

Schloss Ambras, Schlossstraße 20, 6020 Innsbruck
Datum: za, 27.07.2024
Starttijd: 20.00 uur


Datum: za, 27.07.2024
Starttijd: 20.00 uur
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