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Two-day tour: Lehnberghaus – Coburger Hütte – Marienbergalm

1687 M 1.687 M
18.8 KM 18.8 KM
hard hard
This challenging hike leads along steep alpine paths and scree fields and shows you the high alpine and often very rugged side of the Mieming Range. DAY 1 – from Arzkasten via the Grünsteinscharte to the Coburger Hütte mountain hut From Arzkasten car park, hike past the guesthouse of the same name, turn right after the fountain and then follow the signposted forest road north towards the Lehnberghaus mountain hut. Continue past the Lehnberghaus until you come to a water catchment facility where the forest road ends. From there, take the alpine path that leads through mountain pines to the head of the valley. Straight ahead, you will see the scree field leading up to the Grünsteinscharte (2,272 m). Follow the path towards Hölle that leads up and over the scree field known as the "Höllreise" to the Grünsteinscharte (2,272 m). At the fork, keep west and follow the path down to the Coburger Hütte mountain hut. Total walking time for the day: 5 hours Elevation gain: 1,112 vertical metres Starting point: Arzkasten car park, Obsteig Destination | accommodation: Coburger Hütte, Gais Valley (sleeps 80 people | Highlight: Drachensee Lake sparkling in all shades of green and the views of Lake Seeben DAY 2 – from the Coburger Hütte mountain hut via the Biberwierer Scharte and the Marienbergalm mountain hut back to the starting point From the Coburger Hütte mountain hut, follow the path up to the Biberwierer Scharte (2,000 m) and then take the steep winding path down to Langlehn. From there, the route continues along the Jubiläumsweg trail on the Schachtkopf (1,642 m) before climbing up to Marienbergjoch (1,789 m) and then down along a forest road to the Marienbergalm mountain hut. Finally, follow either the varied Alpsteig path or the forest road back down to Arzkasten car park. Total walking time for the day: approx. 5 hours Elevation gain: 413 vertical metres Starting point: Coburger Hütte, Gais Valley Destination: Arzkasten car park, Obsteig
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